What will I need with me at school everyday?
Everyday you will need:
School lunch
Whether this be a packed lunch from home or a lunch order (in advance) from Kingswood Catering.
Filled water bottle
Please ensure you provide a filled water bottle daily.
Healthy Snack
A piece of fruit, vegetable or dried fruit.
Coat for the weather
Please ensure you have an appropriate coat in school everyday
Reading book & reading record
Please bring these into school everyday.
PE kit - worn on PE days (see Class Dojo)
We will participate in PE outdoors in all weathers so please dress appropriately.
Paint shirt/apron
Please provide your child with an old shirt/apron they can use for painting/messy activities.
Suncream & Sun hat
Please ensure your child has applied sun cream before school. Small bottles of sun cream (recommended SPF 50) can be placed in your child's bag for self application. Please place these in a small bag to prevent leaks.
Bike/scooter lock
If you would like to bring your bike/scooter to school and leave it in our bike shed, please ensure that you lock this with a bike/scooter lock.
We cannot accept responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen bikes/scooters.
Put your name on it
Please ensure you label all of your child's belongings including all parts of their school uniform, water bottles, lunch boxes etc.
Inhalers and/or medication
Please ensure that all inhalers and/or medication is handed to a member of staff and not placed in your child's bag.
Please also clearly label these with your child's name and class.